The JHBS Library offers a wide range of services to support business education.

Library catalogue search

The online public access catalogue (OPAC) can help you locate books, journals, and other materials available in the library’s collection.


The JHBS Library has a variety of services from loaning books and journals to supporting research through to Interlibrary Loan options. If you’re looking for business databases, articles, journals, books, or other items, please login to our integrated library management system. The online public access catalogue(Link) is the primary search tool. With it you can find all library holdings for books, journals, and more.

Interlibrary loan

Interlibrary loan platforms enable JHU library staff can request materials from other libraries on your behalf to expand access to resources.

Returning items to the library

Loaned items can be returned physically at the circulation desk. However, if you are off-campus and have items you wish to return, they may be sent to the following address:
James Hope University
Twin Lakes Estate

Computer Laboratory

Literature review services

The JHBS Library provides support for literature-based capstone to support the needs of our students. You will be supported in creating the proposal, building and running a quality search, collecting all the papers, and evaluating the studies that meet the inclusion criteria.

What to expect in your initial consultation:

  • Discuss the scope of your research question
  • Align the type of review with research question
  • Discuss the research protocol
  • Create a timeline for creating search iterations, translating across databases, and completion of the project